The Roots


We remember how to walk in beauty, how to turn our past pain into Medicine.

We remember the love and power pulsing in our Blood.

We remember how to live in rhythm  with our menstrual cycles.

We remember our true purpose and the gift we came here with.

We embody our power and stand in our courage and authenticity.

We find the joy and courage to fully live.

We remember deep time & the ancient wisdom in our bones

We Birth life

We stand for life & Liberation of all

We decolonize our minds & hearts

We breathe life into ancient ways & follow the wisdoms of our Indigenous elders

We remember how to make offerings & Pray

We play our part in birthing a new sense of self & world for our descendants & all of life to come.

Ceremony, Initiation and community ritual have always been at the heart of our human story, for thousands of years across all cultures and continents, giving a ‘place’ to move through & with the vast vistas & deep valleys we Journey inside ourselves on this wild ride home to self. 

Giving a ‘Place’ for our love , our grief , our joy, our sorrow , our hardships and our revelations , all witnessed within a loving community, a kinship, a place where our soul can be welcomed , recognised and feel at home. a ‘Place’ where we welcome & reconnect with the Spirits & the Sacred , Where we mend the bonds & tend to the fires of our offerings.

Can you hear the drums calling…

It is time to remember & honour the old ways & weave in the new

It is time to remember how to walk in beauty.

The Dawn is here.

The time of The Medicine Woman has returned.

You are being called forth.

Can you hear the Ancient one in your heart

Your Indigenous Soul 

Remember who you are.                                                                  

‘Bonnie McAteer 2021’