

Book this workshop with me and spend the day in deep embodied ceremony. More info on Event bellow booking.

Payment secures one space only for the whole day.
Please make sure you enter all of your details below so that I can keep in touch with you, you will receive email confirmation and an email with preparation for the workshop a week before so please remember to check. All bookings are non refundable yet you can exchange your place with someone else but need to do that yourself and inform me with names and details of the new participant.

I so look forward to journeying with you.


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Book This Workshop


Sunday 19th March-Jersey Uk

A warm invitation to join us in a transformational Ceremony at the potent time of Equinox

When the day and night are of equal length, It offers a powerful vibration portal of reflection.
There are no limits on what you can manifest during an Equinox, within the balance of light and dark, we release and let go.

With each passing Equinox a gateway opens, a new wave of balance, light and an opportunity to transcend illusion and step more fully into our authentic truth.

An Invitation through the powerful work of Movement Medicine - Cacao Ceremony - Shamanic Journey- we can experience a Alchemy

Connecting deeply within we open up to the great Mystery at the Centre of it all.

(We are nearly fully booked for this workshop , just a few spaces are left booking link bellow )

MOVEMENT MEDICINE is Shamanic medicine for our times. It gives us direct embodied experience of the dance of life that is going on inside us and all around us.

MOVEMENT MEDICINE-Is a body based Movement Meditation Practice. That will reconnect you to the wisdom of living from the heart.
It will deepen your connection to yourself, your creativity and the integrity and guidance of your own soul.

Cacao is 'The Food for the Shift'. An Indigenous myth tells us whenever the balance between humans and nature becomes threatened, cacao comes from the rainforest to open people's hearts and return us all to harmony.
Ceremonial grade cacao is a sacred medicine also known as the “blood of the heart” is an important, powerful, and previously overlooked teacher, facilitator, and medicine-plant. Ceremonial Cacao partners with you on your journey... experience chocolate as the magical partner it is!

The Cacao Spirit ‘returns’ – from a long history with Indigenous peoples.

Literally translated as ‘Food of the Gods’,
Since the ancient Civilisations of the Mayans and Aztecs, Cacao has been used in rituals and ceremonies as a tool for journeying deep inside of the self, allowing spirit to move through and guide us.

Cacao is one of the most nutritionally dense superfoods and provides many medicinal benefits.
It contains more antioxidants than any other food on the planet.
It stimulates the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin and anandamide (also known as the BLISS chemical) leading to feelings of euphoria.
It relaxes the muscles and balances the nervous system whilst focusing the mind and activating the heart.

The cacao we will use is of the highest quality grown & harvested in Peru specifically for ceremonial use by Ashaninka families. Directly sourced from ancient Cacao gardens in the Rio Ene region.

Please note: Many antidepressants do NOT mix with the tryptophan and MAO (Monoamine Oxidase) Inhibitors in this cacao…Google your medication!

Why Ceremony?

As humans we have gathered in ceremony and ritual space since the dawn of time to honour life and our unique connection to the majesty and mystery of creation. I believe now more than ever we are being called to return to both the old ways and to the new ways where we co- create ceremony and ritual in a way that can be integrated into our world and life as we know it today.

At this time that our ancient ancestors called "The shift of the ages",a time of fast change all around us, it feel's important to have places where we can come together and add the power of our dancing dream's and embodied prayers to the unfolding story of life on earth. Many Tribal Nations have talked about these times as being critical for us to re-awaken our connection to our deepest natures and to nature and the earth itself as a living, breathing being.

You are so welcome whether this is new territory for you or if you have been on this path many years , take a step into the unknown it may end up feeling a lot like home x


Bonnie is a  Medicine Woman & fully graduated Movement Medicine teacher who has been in a deep shamanic apprenticeship for over 13yr  working with this body of work since 2009 and has trained to an advanced level. She is a Ceremonial leader deeply committed to the sacred landscapes of the wild unbroken spirit of life, and to the transformational healing power of dance to reclaim our power that has been lost within the wounds of the past and turn that into medicine to reconnect to our wild self and true heart. She weaves in deep teachings she has gathered from intense Initiations in the Amazon  Rainforest and  with learnings from an ongoing  training  with an ancient lineage of  Inca Paqo shaman  of the high Andes mountains in Peru. Bonnie has also undergone a 9 month leadership training  in Menstruality and is a Red School Menstruality mentor , shamanic healer-mentor  and wife, mother of a beautiful teenage daughter and a baby boy , lover of life and the sacred.



(We are nearly fully booked for this workshop , to reserve your place go to booking link bellow)


“Movement Medicine work this past year with Bonnie has changed my life".”

-Irene Ischia -Jersey

Wow. What a beautiful, rare and wonderful gift it was to experience this work & Ceremony with Bonnie. The medicine of the movement is powerful beyond measure yet also gentle and playful. She holds such exquisite, loving space, creating a sacred container for all that arises,within ourselves and within the community of dancers. From the strong magic of the Amazonian plant teachers to the high high clarity of the Andean Mountain spirits, the energies Bonnie brings through are nothing short of miraculous in their transformational power. What a joy it was to witness the striking transformation in all of us. The light that this medicine unlocks & the homecoming it offers was visible in all of us, each and all- more aliveness, more healing, more of each of our unique soul signatures, embodied. And dancing! I mean what a beautiful way to bring in the new cycle; with powerful rituals in community, and in the space so lovingly and skillfully held. I’m so very grateful for the chance to participate in this work & Journey home.

Erin Osborn  -Maine USA

 "Bonnie's presence is so refreshingly and beautifully real. I have found these sacred movement medicine gatherings to be cathartic and profound. She creates a container of permission to deeply sense, explore, connect with body and the elements."

-Alaris Todar- Chicago USA

"I had the fortunate opportunity of attending two of Bonnies workshops in Thailand, for me this work gave me the ability to go really deep into my inner landscapes, dancing for so many hours in ceremony, giving space to what was present and allowing it to come to the surface , I found it as a way I could communicate with the universe and my place within it. I experienced Bonnie as a wild spirit full of love and deeply grounded, this experience  for me truly was medicine."

- Karen Queller- USA

Earlier Event: 5 February


Later Event: 23 April

MEDICINE WOMAN MOVEMENT - A Year long Journey for Woman